Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Idea Paper

I plan to write using the reader response criticism theory. One idea I had while reading the book is who the "sicko" following Sonny throughout the novel might be, or what significance he could have in being included in the story. There has to be a greater reason for his character to be included by Dagoberto in the novel, other than adding suspense and providing a few moments for one to make predictions upon the outcome. I got the feeling that the creep was Sonny's biological Father, though this information is never revealed, he did call Sonny "son." The creep being Sonny's Father might explain why he would follow Sonny around the neighborhood. His Dad might of wanted to see how Sonny and Silvia were doing, and might of wanted to speak to Sonny. Sonny was too pumped up with adrenaline to determine what was really going on. As much as Sonny tries to shoo-away the creep, he is somehow strangely attracted to him. I believe this attraction or curiosity might have to do with finding out who the guy is or at least find out what he is thinking. I'd imagine if I never met my Father, I'd want or tend to associate the possibility of a stranger being my father.
          A second idea I had about writing my paper on would be whether or not Sonny made the right decision in not accompanying Nica on her escape to Mexico. The first time I read through the novel I felt like he made the wrong decision. I was sort of disappointed that he didn't go, and was sort of angry at Dagoberto for not giving the book the happy ending I wanted. However, the more I thought about it, the more I agreed with Dagoberto's decision of ending the book like he did. I thought it was the perfect ending. Sonny wasn't ready to leave, he had unfinished business in his apartment building here in America. Sonny needs to finish high school, and he needs to be there for his Mother. In running away to a foreign country with Nica, he would of been abandoning his responsibilities. If he did go it would be the perfect fairy tale ending, and although the novel is a fiction, the events and outcomes that happened are very real, and him leaving would of been plausible however in the end I don't think life works out that way. Sonny needs to stay in America finish high school, help out his Mother, and man up to taking Cloyd's money. Who knows what Cloyd will do when he finds out his money is gone. I believe it'd be best if Sonny sticks around and sees things through, and in four years when he graduates, he'd be able to reunite with Nica.
          If I choose the second topic I'd support my main idea by writing about why it wouldn't be a wise desicion for Sonny to leave with Nica. My main argument would be that he isn't ready to leave. I'd support this by explaining how him and nica are still very young. I'd also write about what he'd be leaving behind if he would of gone with her.  I could support my argument by writing about how Silvia needs Sonny. In my opinion Sonny doesn't have it real bad, his main problem is Cloyd. Maybe he'd be able to convince his mother to get a divorce, if he leaves Silvia will most likely remain with Cloyd. Sonny serves as a protective barrier for various opposing forces, once he leaves that barrier is gone and will leave behind chaos. Sonny's life isn't as bad as Nica's. He has freedom, whereas she does not. I could write about how different Nica and Sonny's lives are, and how they'd benefit and suffer from leaving.


  1. kevin,
    I think you are right about dagoberto portraying Sonny's growth process, and he did a beautiful job of it.

  2. Wow...I too thought that the sicko might be his estranged father. But then I also thought that maybe it could of been Tino because Sonny said at first that he didn't know what he looked like. He could of been following Sonny because he knew about Cindy and Sonny messing around. But then Sonny mentions seeing a Picture of Tino while he was having sex with Cindy.

    It was very wierd why that sicko was put into the story. I kind of wanted to find out what he wanted with Sonny although I think he was a part of showing that Sonny didn't fear alot.

    I was alittle disappionted in the ending. I wanted to see what becomes of Sonny and Silvia and I wanted Sonny to use the money to get away from all the madness that was around them, but his choice to help Nica out unselfish and it made for a sweet ending!

    Good luck on your paper!!

  3. Thank for the comments Audrey and Kelly.

  4. Overall your thoughtful analysis and post have been very well done. I very much enjoyed the several discussions between you and your peers here—a testament to your interesting posts. Thanks for your efforts here Kevin!
