Saturday, February 12, 2011

Character Description

            Sonny's mother, Silvia, can be described as neglectful.. "It was that my mom, if she wasn't at her job, was out on dates, and whatever."(5) Silvia was never home to make Sonny dinner, and would often complain to her son about the mess he'd make. Sonny would say, "She could yell at me how she couldn't afford a maid to clean up after me..."(5) This can be seen as a neglectful characteristic because she neglects her responsibilities as a mother to look after her son and tend to her home.
             I think she'd also display teenage behavior that you'd expect from Sonny's older sister. "My mom would be around for maybe an hour or two, and she'd either change clothes and leave or be so tired she went into her bedroom and went to sleep."(6) I know when I was a teenager, I'd often do the same thing. I'd only come home to eat, change clothes, and sleep, before I'd be out the door again to hangout with friends and party. This is not behavior you'd expect from a mother, especially one a child at home and no father to look after him.
             It seemed like Silvia would always have a new dress and her hair and nails done each time Sonny would see her. She liked looking good, and being out, which I don't believe to be a problem, except that she invested more time in her own appearance and happiness and not much on anyone else. She didn't like the fact that Cloyd was tight with his money. It also seems like she would of liked to marry someone who was rich. "'Didn't she marry some really rich guy?' I asked. My mom made a face. Obviously she didn't want to talk about that, and she snapped at me."(82)
             Silvia was admired by other women, for her beauty. "It seemed like she was always going to a beauty parlor to try a new hairstyle, which everyone complimented her on... no matter what style."(18)
             I think she recognized her faults, and felt disappointed in herself as a mother. "I'm going to get to be a mother for you. I know I haven't been. I haven't had any time for you, have I?"(18) I think she may have chosen to get married and move in with Cloyd because he owned an apartment building, and she might of been promised not to have to work if they were to get married. Because she would not have to work all the time, she'd have more time to spend with Sonny. She'd even given Sonny an anonymous apology, "I'm sorry."(74) during one of the silent moments in their conversation while they were in front of the television. I felt like she might of been apologizing for making him go through the adjustment of having a new step-dad, and moving them out of their home.  She may have also been apologizing because she wasn't always around to spend time with him, and now found it difficult to have a conversation with her son. "'Buenas, m'ijo,' she said. I swear there was disappointment in her voice. I'd never heard that in her before."(74) Prior to their conversation, Sonny had been spending time with Cindy, and came home weeded. The disappointment in her voice can be interpreted in many ways. One way would be that she noticed he was high, and was disappointed that her son had gone out to smoke weed, however I don't believe this to be the case. She  had said that she had tried calling everyone of her friends and due to he fact that she was now trying watch television, it can be concluded that she was bored, and might of wanted to have been out like Sonny. I think she may have been bored and was disappointed that her son wanted to go to sleep instead.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your description of Sylvia. It does seem that she's trying to be a better mother to Sonny. I never thought about the idea that that could be the reason they moved in with Cloyd; so she wouldn't have to work and could spend more time with Sonny, and that makes a lot sense.
